Navigating in The Southern Hemisphere

O’n Down Under in New Zealand
(Navigating in the Southern Hemisphere)
As many of you may know, it is best to purchase a compass that is calibrated for the southern hemisphere. I purchased a Silva compass for my trip down under. I had to laugh at a comment made on Attackpoint’s site. Someone actually figure out, if they ran holding the map up in the air above their head at an angle? It would work. They also mentioned this served as a shade for the intense sun down here. I think it would be a little awkward, not mention dangerous running with the map above your head.
Using the sun for navigation is much different down under. Quite often I use the sun to navigate. In the northern hemisphere at 12 O’clock noon, the sun is south. In the southern hemisphere the sun is north, so if you are heading north and have the sun in your face. This was a little adjustment for me, while navigating without my compass.

Night time navigation in the southern hemisphere, the location of south can be determined from the Southern Cross constellation. It is perhaps the easiest constellation to find in the night sky. It can be distinguished from other cross shaped groups by its size, it's smaller, and it’s two pointer stars. The brightest star is at the foot of the true cross. I have been fortunate enough to be able to sail down here as well, traveling to Great Barrier Island, circling Little Barrier, Mokohinau and other wild life sanctuary Islands. This has really given me and feel and a point of reference compass reading.
 I’m Hiking/Camping all around Great Barrier Island, as it is one the most beautiful places. Using marine maps as well as some available topographical maps. I have navigated all around the island with some spectacular views from Mt. Hobson. The terrain would make for some interesting O’ maps and courses.
I will be traveling south to some events around Wellington towards the end of February and the beginning of March.  I will be going to Gisborne to visit some 30 year long friends for some other surfing and hiking adventures.
Looking forward to keeping this momentum!